How Psychology Is Used In Marketing


Knowing your customer is the very first rule of marketing. In knowing your customer, you have to incorporate human behavior in the mix. That is why so many business coaches advise business owners to create customer avatars. By creating these avatars they are able to humanize and personify their ideal customer and not just see them as walking dollar bills. When we go further and incorporate other aspects of psychology such as the decision-making process marketers are then able to foster brand loyalty from their customers.

Appealing to emotions

If you want to win over the hearts of your customer, appeal to their emotions. Studies have shown that emotional appeals resonate better with consumers than showing the features and functions of goods and services. That is why commercials these days are the way they are. They make you smile or laugh or make you emotional. The aim is to have the consumer not forget. It has been said many times that someone may not remember what you said to him or her but they will never forget how you made them feel. So, marketing in a way that ties a certain emotion to your brand can do wonders.

Honesty is the best policy

If you are able to market your business or brand and highlight its shortcomings in a creative manner, consumers may very well appreciate the knowledge and continue to support you. When your marketing claims are too “perfect”, consumers may very well begin to doubt some of the things you claim. At the end of the day, your credibility is very important therefore, go ahead and optimize it.

The concept of exclusivity

Who doesn’t want to be associated with something that is exclusive? If you are able to appeal to consumers’ self-esteem you may very well hit the jackpot. Simple tactics such as setting up a club or membership can work well. It is, however, up to the marketers and the business to not make it an empty claim but to live up to the claims they make.

Reward your customers

Have you ever heard the term, it’s always better to give than to receive? Well in the case of rewarding your customers, the more you give the more you will receive. Building customer loyalty builds brand loyalty. Having brand loyalty will ensure that your customers won’t go anywhere else for what they need. It conditions the mind of the consumer. They then associate rewards with your brand.

The way forward

By the look of things, psychology and marketing go hand in hand. If you know how the human brain works, you will then know how to evoke feelings. You can then put in the mind of consumers reasons why they need your business or brand.

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